Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Recording Song Using Macbook Microphone

For those of us who enjoy music, recording can be a pain at times. Fortunately, many laptops come with mics built in that you can use. I have a MacBook Pro and decided to see if I could, using just the stock microphone, record a studio sounding quality song using live instruments. MacBooks also come with GarageBand to allow you to record live sounds with ease. I 'have a copy of Logic, a more advanced recording software but GarageBand works just as well.

The microphone is very sensitive. On older MacBooks, the mic would even pick up the sound of the fan in the computer if it were on. Therefore, a quiet room is a must when using the Mac's microphone. A smaller room is ideal to prevent a chorus-echo type effect. I have experienced a problem with even my breathing while playing being picked up while playing. Of course breathing softly through your nose seems like a good solution, sometimes its not that easy. Other times it could just blend into the music you are making so don't think that just because you hear it then doesn't mean it will sound like that once you put everything together.

I could make a drum beat using Logic and record my tracks through a mixer but I found the idea fun in creating a song using only the Mac Mic. I am almost complete and will upload a link to a roughdraft shortly along with other ways and settings in Logic I used to get the sound and achieve my goal in writing a studio-sounding song using just a Mac Microphone and live instruments.
Here is what I have with no presets and basic drums. The pictures were taken by me on a trip of the Art Lob Trail located in North Carolina with more pictures being found in the video description.

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